Data storageData storage
Data storage
OceanStor data storage has been selected into the Gartner Primary Storage Leaders Quadrant for eight consecutive years.
FusionCube 1000 hypervisor and data
FusionCube 1000 hypervisor and data
FusionCube 1000 (Hypervisor) and FusionCube 1000 (Data) are data storage infrastructure based on the fusion architecture. They come pre-integrated with distributed storage engines, virtualization software, and cloud management software to support on-demand resource allocation and linear scaling. Primarily used for mixed workload scenarios such as databases, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), containers, and virtualization, it is the simplified, efficient, and reliable hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) choice for enterprises.
Technical specifications
FusionCube 1000 (Hypervisor) 和 FusionCube 1000 (Data)
网络10 GE/100 GE
存储可靠性复印和 EC
存储介质HDD 和 NVMe SSD
虚拟化平台鲲鹏:FusionSphere 8.0及以上版本 其他:FusionSphere 6.5.1及以上版本
、VMware 6.7U3及VMware 7.0
功耗每个机柜高达 12,000 W(每个节点高达 1200 W)


FusionCube中心• 虚拟机管理:虚拟机创建、模板管理和迁移
• 存储管理:磁盘和存储池管理
• 监控告警:状态、告警和性能监控
• 性能监控:IOPS、I/O 带宽、I/O 延迟、CPU 利用率、内存利用率和 NIC 速率
• 日志审计:安全、操作和系统日志审计
• 系统运维:一键升级、扩容、日志采集

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